Tuesday 3 February 2009

Monday 12 January 2009

Happy Birthday to CT

I did this a few years ago for my Ah Mui and re-edited this year so that I can use again. Recycle haha..
Hey it's the thought that counts ;p
Have a good Birthday, eat more, and burp more.

Saturday 10 January 2009

Consumer fair

Today I went to the Consumer Fair 2009 at the International Convention Centre (ICC). I got an idea for the comic while I was there. Hope you like it ^^
There was a colouring corner where the public can paint whatever they want on a small section of the canvas. It was interesting and also funny to see what people had painted!
To make the consumer fair more interesting there was a lucky draw, competitions and even free gifts (a small bar of chocolate and a packet of instant noodle :D)
Of course there were the booths with local and foreign companies selling all kinds of stuff from food to electronic equipments.

Friday 9 January 2009

Rapunzel and Prince Sketch

Story by the Brothers Grimm

Once upon a time, there was a girl with a very long hair. Her name was Rapunzel. Her father stole some Rapunzel (radish like plant) from a witch's garden for his wife who was pregnant and was craving for it.
Rapunzel was kept in a magical tower with no door or stairs. The only way up was using her long hair. The witch would cast a spell "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair, so that I may climb the golden stair".
One day a prince heard her singing, saw her and decided to court her. The prince learnt how to use Rapunzel's hair from observing the witch. When the witch left he proceeded to let down her hair, climb up and made her acquaintance. He also proposed to her and she agreed.
However, the witch found out about the prince and angrily cut off Rapunzel's hair and cast her into the wilderness. The prince came back that night and he climbed her severed braids only to find the angry witch at the top. The witch told him he'll never see her again upon which he lept from the tower and fell, blinding him.
He wandered the woods for months. One day as Rapunzel fetched water he heard her singing. He followed her voice and they were reunited. His blindness was cured by her tears.
He brought her to his kingdom where they lived happily ever after.

My version of the ending..
The witch cut off her braids and turned her into a snail.. The prince was also turned into a frog. But they still lived happily ever after in the woods :D

Hahaha.. actually these two sketches are of my friend I call 'LS' short for Lil Sis. She asked me to draw these so..

Wednesday 7 January 2009


Drew these comics for my college's newsletter (ages ago). Wow I didn't realise the paper is this aged (yellowish in colour) Haha.
It's quite primitive using an ink based pen to draw the lines. Nowadays, we can use the computer to draw but you would need a 'tablet'. It's a mouse but pen-like and you draw on a tablet. Most designers, architects and professional illustrators like those in Disney use them too.
But it's quite costly, so I have no choice but use the old fashioned pencil, pen and paper :p How I wish I have a tablet so I can draw in the computer. Anyone know where I can get a super cheap tablet? Or can someone donate me one? Haha.

Monday 5 January 2009

Sketch of my teachers

This is a sketch of my dear teachers when I was in form 4 and 5 in Berakas Secondary School. I did this sketch at that time and as you can imagine the paper has gone yellowish. Hence, the colour you see here.
A - Discipline teacher. He's always snipping student's long hair whenever he sees one.
B - Maths teacher. He's always carrying a long ruler and math apparatus.
C - I can't recall this fella.
D - Maths teacher. Somehow I can't recall much of this teacher too. Maybe he was a replacement.
E - English teacher. She's always carrying loads of books for us to read. Hence, the depiction of her strong arms here.
F - Principal. Ahh.. the main man of the school. He runs the school pretty well.. even though most of the students are taller than him.
G - English teacher. She's always sweeping the classroom whenever she's free. Not a tiny paper left on the floor. The neatest teacher around!
H - Malay teacher. Not much to say bout her except she was quite pretty and the students seem to be quiet around her.
I - Geography teacher. My favourite teacher. She likes telling the students to keep quiet or she'll throw a scud missile (a piece of chalk) at them.
J & K - Economics teachers. J is always carrying a brief case. While K always crosses his fingers while teaching. And he once told us Michael Jackson baths in milk. I don't know if that's true but teachers are not supposed to gossip right? Damn it why do I recall these kind of things..
L - Principles of Accounts teacher - He's a tiny mouse like man, but I respectfully like him :p
M - Science teacher. Errr... blank.
N - History teacher. He gave us chocolates and money as motivation to pass exams.. yep I passed ^^
O - Geography teacher - Huge man who sweats quite a lot.

Sunday 4 January 2009


I just started my blog and a friend has already asked to draw some Tarepanda for her haha.
I haven't scanned and uploaded the pics I mentioned earlier. Sorry for the delay hehe. Be patient okie? ;p

According to Wikipedia:
Tarepanda, which means "lazy" panda or "droopy" panda in Japanese, is a panda character who gets around by rolling, since he is so lazy (at 2.75 meters per hour, according to company literature). "Tare" means lying on the tummy or to slump/slouch. He loves to eat mochi (specifically Suama) and relax in teacups.
Tarepanda's birthday was November 25, 1995. Hikaru Suemasa, creator of Tarepanda is said to have been inspired to fashion the character in this way when she became tired. After many attempts at drawing the character, she became fatigued and laid down to relax. After this she created a lazy panda lying on the ground. She named it Tarepanda.

(Based on drawings found in Wikipedia and the official site of Tarepanda)